The secrets to signing high-ticket clients through your content alone (even if you have a small audience)

It's time to build a million dollar message, & effortlessly magnetise the dreamiest, high paying clients without sales calls.

$2222 USD


What's included in your C2CA purchase?

Instant access to every content framework I use that has generated millions over the years, & will have you signing high ticket clients from *just* your content

My signature Cash Injection Launch strategy that teaches you how to easily get a cash injection in your business (people have had their $10-30k months from this alone)

Access to High Ticket Authority Content & my Branded Concepts formulas to help you weave your Authority into every single post you create.

A large library of pre-recorded lessons hosted in Thinkific (please check the sales page for full breakdown)

Lifetime Access to the Content To Cash Academy content, designed to help you elevate your copywriting & marketing abilities, & start selling high-ticket services with ease

BONUS: ChatGPT Cheat Codes -  Proven prompts rooted in sales psychology that you can feed chat GPT…

BONUS: Content Channeling Ceremony - In this pre-recorded session, you will learn to crack open your channel so that ideas can flow through you easily

BONUS: Energy Activation Meditation - To get you in a high, magnetic frequency to create your content

BONUS: 2 x LIVE content workshop ($1,555 value) so I can give you real time feedback on how to elevate your content to speak to a high end buyer, & insert more of your Authority into everything you post (Happening end of June)

Ready to join these humans?

Want to see more testimonials? View a library of testimonials & results

Let's create CASH with your content

Content To Cash$0

Contact information

Billing address


Content To Cash (“Program”) is offered by Hayley Lloyd Ltd (“Company”). Program consists of the services, products, materials, content, courses, coaching, communication, and any other items Company is providing you, specific to your purchase, as a result of your purchase, as further outlined in Section IV, Program and Program Delivery. By purchasing Program, you as the purchaser of Program and participant in Program are agreeing to the following Terms of Use, which constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Company.


You agree that you are 18 years of age or older. You acknowledge and understand that any information such as, but not limited to, usernames and passwords, that grant you access to the Program, are unique to you. Sharing your Program log-in information will result in automatic termination from Program, as outlined in Section XVIII, Termination.


Company will provide you access to digital materials for your personal use (“Program materials”).

During the Term, Company will be available to you via email, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, and will respond to your emails during that period of availability within 24 hours, barring Company’s inability to respond to you within that time period, in which case Company will make every effort to inform you why Company is unable to respond within 24 hours.


You agree that your successful participation in Program requires that you complete your Program assignments, where appropriate.

You agree to communicate with Company honestly and promptly where necessary.

You agree to engage in the Program to the fullest extent possible.

You understand and agree that your degree of success in Program is dependent on your commitment and consistency.

You agree that you are solely responsible for implementing any techniques or changes recommended by Company.

You agree to act respectfully towards Company and other Program participants. You agree not to make any harassing, derogatory or demeaning comments to Company or about Company or Program participants in any Program forums, including Company’s webpage and all Company social media platforms.

You agree and understand that Program participants may share personal, sensitive, confidential information in various Program forums, including, not limited to, calls and the Program Facebook group. You agree to be respectful of all information disclosed by Program participants, and agree not to share this information to anyone outside of Program, at any time, for any reason.


The total fee for Program, if paid in full, is $2222 if purchased during the early bird period and $2888 if paid during the regular cart open period. Payment Plans are available as outlined on the Sales Page.


You have the option to pay for Program via Paypal and credit card through Company’s website. Payment is processed by third party payment processors governed by their own Terms of Use, and your personal information is processed in accordance with our Company Privacy Policy.

If paid in full:

You will pay Company in full prior to start of Program. You will not be enrolled in Program, nor have access to any Program materials, until Company has received your payment in full.

If paid in installments, automatically charged by Company:

You will pay Company a first payment as outlined on checkout prior to the start of Program. Subsequently, you will automatically be charged monthly by Company from the date of first payment during the Term, through your chosen payment method.


If Company charges you the full amount of Program prior to the start of Program and your payment method is declined in any way, Company or Company’s payment processor will notify you and you have 1 week to pay the full amount owed. You will not have access to Program or any Program materials unless and until the full balance owed is paid.

If you elect to pay for Program in automatic installment payments and your payment method is declined in any way, Company or Company’s payment processor will notify you and you have 1 week to satisfy the amount owed on the delinquent installment payment. After 1 week, if you have still not paid the amount owed, Company reserves the right to terminate your access to Program and all Program materials immediately. If your access is terminated, you are still liable to Company for all outstanding balances for the entirety of Term. Company reserves the right to pursue any outstanding balances owed to the fullest extent of the law, including, but not limited to, authorizing a debt collection agency to collect amounts owed on Company’s behalf.

Default for Invoiced Instalment Payments

If you pay for Program in installment payments upon invoice from Company and your payment method is declined, you have 1 week days after the failed payment in order to pay the outstanding balance with a different payment method. If after 1 week days you still have not paid your outstanding balance due, Company will terminate your access to Program and all Program materials. If your access is terminated, you are still liable to Company for all outstanding balances for the entirety of Term. Company reserves the right to pursue any outstanding balances owed to the fullest extent of the law, including, but not limited to, authorizing a debt collection agency to collect amounts owed on Company’s behalf, or legal recourse.


Program is offered to you as is. No refunds will be issued for any reason.


You agree that your participation in Program does not create a partnership, joint venture, agency or employment relationship with Company.


You agree that any Program materials and all content provided to you by Company is provided for your personal, informational, non-commercial use only. Content is owned by Company and protected by all applicable copyright and trademark laws. Any content, collectively hereafter “Content,” includes all:

Company website and social media content, including design, marks, photographs, client-only features, graphics, text, videos and all other media and source code

All digital downloads or other materials, digital or non-digital (materials include but are not limited to, text, photos, graphics, video) created by Company.

Any other form of Company-created information available to you immediately prior to Program and during Program.

Company grants you a limited, revocable, non-transferable license to access Content and print and download Content where expressly allowed by Company, for your personal, non-commercial use.

You are not permitted to duplicate, reproduce, sublicense, share, reassemble, upload, change, post, transmit, transfer, distribute, sell, license, display, republish, create derivative works of or alter Content in any way.

You acknowledge that Full Spectrum Authority™, Femthority™ and Feminine Authority™ are trademarks of the Company and may only be used with permission. You may not promote, offer or sell a separate program, course, certification, method or framework utilizing any of these trademarks without permission in writing from the Company.

You acknowledge that any unauthorized use of the Company's Trademarks may cause irreparable harm to the Company. In the event of any unauthorized use or infringement of the Company's Trademarks, the Company shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.


Company cannot guarantee that our website, and the Program materials available on and through Company’s website, will be available at all times. Company may experience technical problems, or Company’s website may be temporarily down for maintenance purposes, that may result in your inability to use Company’s website. You agree that we are not liable or responsible for any damages stemming from your inability to access our website.


Program is not business, financial, legal, medical, health or other professional advice. You agree that your participation in Program is not a substitute for consultation with and/or treatment by an appropriate professional. All information offered through Program, Program materials, and Content is for informational purposes only and should be used at your own risk.


Information given by Company in Program, whether through Program materials, Content, during live calls, or at any other time during Program, is not medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. Any information provided by Company is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, and Company encourages you to use any information provided by Company only in consultation with a medical professional. Any supplements, treatment plans, services, nutrition suggestions or lifestyle changes, or any other information recommended by Company is not medical advice, should not be considered medical advice, and is not a substitute for consultation with an appropriate medical professional.

Company makes no representations as to any physical, emotional, or mental health benefits that may be derived from your participation in Program. We are not responsible or liable for any of your health decisions directly or indirectly related to the information provided in Program, nor are we responsible for any damages from the use or misuse of information provided in Program. You are solely responsible for any decisions you make from the information provided in our Program.

You agree each individual is different, and Company cannot and does not guarantee any recommended product, service, or other recommended by Company to you during the Term will also work for you. You understand and agree that any testimonials, examples, or other results presented by Company on Company’s webpage, marketing materials, social media platforms, or any other forum are the experiences of one Program participant. You understand and agree Company does not represent or guarantee in any way that you will achieve the same or similar results.


Program, Program materials, and Content are not business, financial, or legal advice, and should not be construed or relied on as such. The information provided in Program, Program materials, and Content is intended only for informational purposes. It is not a substitute for consultation with a relevant professional. You are advised to consult with a relevant professional if you have any questions. By purchasing Program and/or using Program materials and Content, you acknowledge and agree you are solely responsible for your results.

You understand and agree that Company does not make any representations or guarantees as to any possible income, business growth, sales, additional clients, or any other earnings or growth benefits that may be derived directly or indirectly from your participation in Program. You agree that Company is not liable for the results of any decisions you make as a result of your participation in Program or from the Program materials and/ or Content provided by Company.

You agree each individual is different, and Company cannot and does not guarantee any recommended product, service, or other recommended by Company to you during the Term will also work for you. You understand and agree that any testimonials, examples, or other results presented by Company on Company’s webpage, marketing materials, social media platforms, Program, Program materials, Content, or any other forum, are the experiences of one participant. You understand and agree Company does not represent or guarantee in any way that you will achieve the same or similar results.


Except as where otherwise indicated herein, Program and Content provided by Company are “as is.” Company makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the Program, Program materials, or Content. You understand and agree that all individuals are different, and Company makes no guarantees or warranties regarding any results you may or may not experience from participation in Program and/or the use of Program materials and Content provided. Company disclaims all warranties to the fullest extent permitted by law.


You cannot transfer your position as a participant in Program without prior written approval from Company. If you are purchasing Program for someone else, you must contact Company at as the person you are purchasing Program for must agree to these Terms of Use before beginning the Program and/or receiving any Program materials.


You agree that Company may modify these Terms of Use at any time. If Company modifies these Terms of Use, Company will notify you of these modifications in writing as soon as is reasonably possible.


Company endeavors to provide you with a positive experience through Program. However, by purchasing Program, you agree that Company, at its sole discretion, may terminate your participation in Program and access to any and all Program materials without refund of any money paid by you if you:

Fail to pay amount due even after Company’s assessment of late fees

You are derogatory, defamatory, abusive, uncooperative and/or fail to follow Program guidelines

Share personal, private information shared in confidence by Program participants in a Program forum, outside of Program forum

Share your Program log-in information with another person so they can access Program and/or Program materials

Any other behavior that violates these Terms of Use, at Company’s sole discretion.

You agree that should Company terminate your participation in Program due to any of the above conditions, you are still liable to Company and responsible for the remainder of the cost of the Program as outlined in Section IX of these Terms of Use.


To the fullest extent allowed by law, Company is not liable and does not accept responsibility for any losses or damages caused by or resulting from your purchase of or participation in Program, or your use of Program materials and/or Content. By participating in Program and using Program materials and Content, you agree that you are solely responsible for any results derived from said participation and use. You assume any and all risks. You agree that Company is not liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, or any other damages, arising out of your purchase of or participation in Program and your use of Program materials and/or Content, even if Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

You agree to this limitation of liability and release Company from all claims.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Company and any parties working for or associated with Company (including, but not limited to, employees, agents, contractors, subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, successors, assigns; collectively, “Company’s Affiliates”), from any and all actions, claims, damages, fees and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of your purchase of Program, delivery of Program, your participation in Program, your use of Program materials, your use of Content, or your use of any other information provided in any form by Company or Company’s Affiliates to you during Term. You shall defend Company and Company’s Affiliates in any legal actions pursuant to or arising out of these Terms of Use. You agree that neither Company nor Company’s Affiliates are personally liable for any representations or actions of Company or Company’s Affiliates.

By payment for and in consideration of your participation in Program, you agree to waive, discharge, release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Company and Company’s Affiliates from any actions, causes of action, claims, demands, costs, fees, expenses or damages, in law or equity, arising from your purchase of and participation in Program, and delivery of the Program.


In the event of a dispute between you and Company that cannot be resolved amicably, you agree to binding arbitration in Australia. If for any reason any dispute is not resolved in arbitration, the dispute will be litigated in the courts of Sydney in Australia.


Company will not be liable for failure or delay in the delivery of Program for the period that said failure or delay is beyond Company’s reasonable control, materially affects the ability of Company to deliver all or any part of Program in any way, and could not reasonably have been foreseen. Force majeure events contemplated include but are not limited to fire, flood, pandemic, hurricane, acts of God, and acts of governmental action prohibiting or impeding Company’s ability to deliver any aspect of Program.


If any portion of these Terms of Use is deemed to be void or unenforceable, that portion is severable from the Terms of Use and does not impact the enforceability of the remainder of these Terms of Use.


These Terms of Use and any policies given to you as part of your participation in Program constitute the entire agreement between you and Company with respect to Program. These Terms of Use supersede any prior communications or agreements.

I agree

(if you have a coupon code, please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page on mobile, or look to the left on desktop. Your final price will be shown below it)

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1997.00)$1997.00
  • Preferred option
    3 Monthly Payments of $688 (3x $688.00)3x $688.00
  • Preferred option
    6 Monthly Payments of $366 (6x $366.00)6x $366.00

Want to add my signature program 'Programs That Sell'?

Only $777 if you purchase today!
Are you ready to create unique, stand out programs that deliver incredible client experience & results every time?

Come join Programs That Sell - a program designed to teach you the art of ideating, creating, packaging & marketing 1:many programs so that they actually fill up AND get your clients incredible results.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


  • Total payment
  • 1xContent To Cash$0

All prices in USD

DISCLAIMER:This program is not a get rich quick scheme, it requires you to put in the work over a period of time, in order to see results. We can not guarentee anyone's result as each individual is so different. We make an extreme effort to share with you all of the strategies, blueprints, and tools so you can apply them to your coaching business. However, it is solely up to you as the individual and business coach to make the income. By enrolling in this course you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Terms of Purchase | Privacy Policy
