A 4 module program designed to permanently interrupt & alter your relationship with money.
This is everything you need to lay the foundations that will have you quantum leaping your income.

ANYONE can become create massive wealth. If I can... you can too.

I've gone from a $25k year in business to a $200k year in business
(whilst balancing a full-time job at Canva)

I've gone from living on my credit card every month to having massive wealth & overflow
(hello $500k cash injection from other income sources)

I've gone from living in a tiny 2-bed apartment to an expansive new build 3 bedder in a dream location.

I've gone from living in clothes with holes in them & freaking out about buying a $50 top... to buying myself designer items & barely noticing the price tag.

All in 1 year, & with 1 decision.

In one year, my reality has massively shifted.

This CAN happen for you too. It all starts with a decision.

Magnetising Wealth is a 4 module accelerator designed to help you completely transform your relationship with money. This is for you if you are ready to start reprogramming your mind & nervous system so that it's ready to receive & become a magnet for massive wealth.

By the end of Magnet For Wealth Accelerator you will:
  • Understand what it takes to become wealthy, in mind, body & soul 
  • Disrupt your views & beliefs around money, paving the way for you to start quantum leaping
  • Understand what wealth feels & looks like FOR YOU Learn the about the 6 elements of the Web of Wealth & how to navigate through it over the next year
  • Learn about the EXACT beliefs that I shifted, & how I went about shifting them 
  • Learn how to move your own energy & start disrupting long set stagnant energy 
  • The daily practices that you can bring in, to carry you through the year
What you get:
  • 4 x modules to help you reconstruct your views of money
    • Attracting money
    • Receiving money
    • Saving/having/managing money
    • Spending money
  • 1 x training on my QuantumMind Reprogramming method (& how to use it!) so that you understand exactly HOW to shift these beliefs yourself
  • 1 x hypnosis/meditation using my QuantumMind Reprogramming Method

Let's make this official!

This is a pre-recorded program, you will receive an email with access to the modules upon purchase.

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($777.00)$777.00
  • Preferred option
    2 Monthly Payments of $422 (2x $422.00)2x $422.00
  • Preferred option
    3 Monthly Payments of $288 (3x $288.00)3x $288.00

Magnetising Wealth is a 4 module accelerator designed to help you lay the foundations, & completely transform your relationship with money. This is for you if you are ready to start reprogramming your mind & nervous system so that it's ready to receive & become a magnet for massive wealth.

By the end of Magnetising Wealth Accelerator you will: 

  • Understand what it takes to become wealthy, in mind, body & soul 
  • Disrupt your views & beliefs around money, paving the way for you to start quantum leaping 
  • Learn the about the 6 elements of the Web of Wealth & how to navigate through it over the next year Learn about the EXACT beliefs that I shifted, & how I went about shifting them 
  • Learn how to move your own energy & start disrupting long set stagnant energy 
  • The daily practices that you can bring in, to carry you through 2022

What you get:

  • 4 x expansive modules to help you RETHINK & READJUST your relationship with money
  • 1x introduction into my signature method QuantumMind Reprogramming & how you can start to use this yourself 
  • 1x Hypnosis/meditation to help you to apply what you learn in the QuantumMind Reprogramming method & start reprogramming even the deepest of money wounds.
  • 1 x BONUS QA at the back end of the program to answer any questions that may have come up

These resources will then remain in Kartra for you to revisit multiple times over (I recommend this!)

Are you ready to become the wealthy woman you know you're destined to be?

Let's do this!

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Magnetising Wealth Accelerator$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xMagnetising Wealth Accelerator$0

All prices in USD

Who is Hayley?

Hayley is a mindset & business coach for coaches & spiritual service providers looking to make massive wealth & massive impact in the world.

She has built a multi 6-figure business WHILST balancing her full-time job at Unicorn company Canva, where she has worked for the past 4 years as a Creative Producer. 

Hayley uses her knowledge of brand, design & marketing to help strategize with her clients to help them create high levels of success & wealth within their own businesses & lives.

Not only this, Hayley is a certified life coach, hypnotherapist, NLP & EFT practitioner, & uses her own unique QuantumMind Reprogramming method to achieve massive mind & energetic breakthroughs for her clients, unblocking them from patterns & thought cycles that have been keeping them stuck for years.