A 2 Part Training designed to give you the REALITIES of balancing the human whilst scaling to $100k month.

In this 2 Part training, you're going to be coming behind the scenes, & getting a real view into some of the difficult things I have navigated this year, & how I didn't let it affect my business OR my coaching.

The conversations I needed to have. The decisions I needed to make. How I didn't bypass myself in these situations, AND how I continued to grow, scale & show up as an AUTHORITY online.

If you enjoy reality TV, this is the closest you're going to get in the coaching space.

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Bundle it up with High End Cash Offers for $77

In 4 days, learn to create & sell high end offers to increase your monthly cash income

You ready?

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  • Total payment
  • 1xPolarity Masterclass$111

All prices in USD